BLS Character Guide

Humorous insights into the world of law

Attorney at Law


Advocate Virtus was an honorary member of Viennese society, awarded the medal of valour which the Emperor himself had bestowed on him. His accurate appearance and his razor-sharp ironed trousers did not suggest that it was not him at home who wore the trousers.



BLS advises the Comer Group on the acquisition of the Magna Racino in Ebreichsdorf

BLS represents Luke Comer, a successful Irish horse breeder and real estate investor, on the purchase of the horse racing site from the Lürßen Group[more]

Category: PRESSE


BLS in the new Chambers Guide Insurance and Reinsurance 2025

Philipp Scheuba on developments in insurance law[more]

Category: NEWS


Umstrittene Umwidmung

Wolfgang Schubert im ORF Report über Reformbedarf in den Gemeindeordnungen[more]

Category: NEWS