
The contents of our homepage and our websites, you can access via our links, represent general information. They do not substitute legal or professional consultancy performed by our law office. The contents should offer fundamental support and primary information. The utilization of concrete legal consultancy concerning individual problems is indispensable. BLS Rechtsanwälte GmbH therefore exclude any liability for contents of the homepage and all its websites, including our services. Furthermore, this especially applies to websites of other homepages that are linked with our homepage. We do not have any influence whatsoever on the contents of these homepages. It is up to the respective users to question and verify the information autonomously. We ask for your understanding for this liability exclusion. It corresponds to the generally applied practice.

Errors or mistakes in editing cannot be excluded. All statements are for the sole purpose of initial information only and do not substitute legal consultancy in the individual case. Therefore, we exclude all liability.