Category: LEGAL NEWS
Challenges in insurance law
Philipp Scheuba in the new Chambers Guide on cybercrime and new insurance products
The new "Global Practice Guide Insurance and Reinsurance 2023" has just been published by Chambers & Partners. Experts from 27 countries explain insurance law in their respective legal systems.
Philipp Scheuba, partner at BLS Attorneys at Law, has exclusively written the article on the legal situation in Austria. In addition to the basics of Austrian insurance law, it deals with the current topics that concern the insurance sector.
Besides co-operating with insurtech start-ups, a number of Austrian insurance undertakings have established their own online direct distribution channels. With increasing digitisation, not only is entrepreneurial activity shifting to the digital world, but criminal organisations are also adapting their actions to the changed circumstances. The steady increase in cyber incidents has made the need for comprehensive insurance protection more and more apparent in recent years. The insurance industry has responded to the increased need for protection against cyber incidents by launching a wide variety of products.
Read the entire Austrian contribution here:
as a PDF >> Guide Insurance & Reinsurance 2023 – Austria (PDF)
or here online at Chambers >> Guide Insurance & Reinsurance 2023 – Austria
Here you can find the complete guide with all the contributions of the various countries >> Guide Insurance & Reinsurance 2023 (Flipping Book)
The Global Practice Guides are published on a variety of legal fields by the internationally renowned publishing house Chambers and Partners. The authors are rated by Chambers as the best in their field. BLS has already been part of numerous guides and has been included in Chambers' reputable rankings several times.