Category: NEWS
Rent exemption because of Corona? Webinar with Franz Szyszkowitz
Second Covid-19 Webinar Very Successful – Video Recording and Presentation Available Here
Many companies, in particular retailers and caterers who have rented business premises, as well as landlords, are currently concerned with the question: Is rent still payable despite the closures or restrictions of business ordered by the Federal Government?
This webinar with Franz Szyszkowitz deals in detail with the effects of corona-related closures. What conditions must be met in order to entitle a tenant to claim a rent reduction up to a complete exemption from rent?
The webinar was organised by KSV1870 in cooperation with BLS Attorneys at Law and generated great interest on 15.04.2020.
The video recording is provided by KSV1870 and can be viewed free of charge (after providing your name and e-mail address to KSV1870):
The presentation of Franz Szyskowitz is available here as PDF.
BLS webinars on Covid-19 topics:
Lieferschwierigkeiten in Zeiten von Corona (Delivery Difficulties in Times of Corona)
Speaker: Dr. Wolfgang Schubert
Baustopp – was nun? (Contruction Stop – What Now?)
Speaker: Mag. Philipp Scheuba
Mietzinsfreistellung wegen Corona? (Rent Exemtion because of Corona?)
Speaker: Mag. Franz Szyszkowitz
Corona-Kurzarbeit (Corona Short-Time Work)
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Boller