Read now: Labour law publication by Dr. Thomas Boller
Published in Getting the Deal Through Labour & Employment 2018.[more]
Labour law: Sick on a public holiday
Supreme Court decides which regulation applies. [more]
Adventure vouchers: Expiration after 3 years illegal
Higher Regional Court of Vienna rules in favour of VKI.[more]
GDPR – what it’s all about.
An overview about the General Data Protection Regulation. [more]
Decision of OGH: After maternity leave no entitlement to the same job
From purchase back to in-store selling.[more]
A must-read: Our contribution to the Legal 500 Employment Comparative Guide 2018
Thomas Boller answers questions concerning Austrian employment and labour law. [more]
EU: Strengthening of wage dumping rules
Members of European Parliament decide upon new rules.[more]
Illegal Fiat ad
Leasing standard information has to be clearly visualised. [more]
Data protection: German doctor's data needs to be removed from rating portal
German Federal Supreme Courts decides upon discrimation[more]
Update of area-based surcharges in Vienna
Supreme Court decision lead to update[more]
Changes in the Austrian Health and Safety at Work Act
Stepwise modifications as of 2018[more]
Award for BLS attorneys at law
By Acquisition International and M&A Today[more]
EU parliament abolishes geo-blocking partly
Netflix and e-books are still excluded from the regulation. [more]
Post boxes: Letters need to be posted during opening hours.
Supreme Administrative Court decides about administrative proceedings with deadline.[more]
Grumpy Cat: Compensation for violation of trademark right
The grouchy cat from the USA in the middle of a lawsuit. [more]
Data protection: Partial success against Facebook
Austrian data protection activist fights against Facebook's alleged data protection violation.[more]
Society of consumerism vs Amazon – OGH decision
David versus Goliath? [more]
Bitcoin – a judicial pitfall?
Legal information on the financial topic number 1. [more]
Imitation marketing - sweet danger of confusion
Supreme court decides on dispute about Mozartkugel[more]
Commercial Law Lawyer of the Year in Austria – Award for BLS
Success at the Global Awards 2018 by M&A Today. [more]
"Building Lawyer Award" for BLS
Awarded by International Advisory Experts.[more]
BLS is "Banking & Finance Lawyer of the Year 2017 – Austria"
A pleasant confirmation of our expertise in banking and finance law.[more]
2017 Legal Awards for BLS
BLS named „Best Commercial Law Firm – Vienna“ and „Inheritance Lawyer of the Year – Austria“[more]
BLS goes Jus Success 2017
For the first time, BLS is going to participate in the most important career fair for future attorneys. [more]
Interest escalation clause: The premium (“Margin”) is not retained by the bank
A limitation of the reduction of the indicator with zero so that the consumer has to pay in any case the agreed premium as interest, violated the article 6 paragraph 2 clause 5 of the Consumer Protection Act. [more]