Category: NEWS
BLS among the best in conflict resolution
Ranked by JUVE
For the current issue of the "JUVE Magazin für Wirtschaftsjuristen" (JUVE Magazine for Business Lawyers), Austrian law firms were scrutinised for their expertise in the area of conflict resolution. BLS's expertise convinced the JUVE editors and led to a listing in the renowned ranking.
In its comprehensive analysis, JUVE magazine writes about BLS Rechtsanwälte: "The strength of the conflict resolution specialists lies in representing insurers and their policyholders, especially in major claims. In the D&O field, for example, the firm is repeatedly involved in multi-million dollar disputes between executive boards and companies or foundations. Competitors emphasise that they have had "very good experience" with the firm here. The office is also very present in the growing field of disputes about the performance of consulting companies such as law firms. Overall, the firm almost doubled its team at associate level and now has considerable clout."
As a result, BLS Attorneys at law has achieved a proud place in the ranking "Conflict Resolution - Litigation" among renowned large law firms.
The evaluation of BLS can be found here as a PDF or online at JUVE. The entire 21-page report can be read in the current November/December issue of JUVE magazine.
The reputable JUVE publishing house offers a comprehensive overview of the Austrian legal market with its regularly published analyses and rankings. In the past 12 months, the independent editorial team conducted a total of more than 2,000 interviews with clients, lawyers and representatives of public authorities.