Through wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established.
scope of service
Construction and Plant Law
Our experts
Mag. Philipp Scheuba
Dr. Thomas Boller, LL.M.
Mag. Franz Szyszkowitz
Mag.a Angela Bankosegger-Scheuba
Mag.a Sandra Mauthner
Mag.a Margareta Mroczkowska, BSc.
Dr. Armin Pabel
Construction law is a branch of law that deals with legal issues including contract, negligence, building construction, guarantiees and sureties, bonds and bonding, liens and other security interests, tendering, and related fields. From purchasing and sale of realties, building and construction of all kinds, to the establishment of building rights and liens, BLS can provide you with legal advice and representation, whether through judicial proceedings, arbitration, negotiations or mediation in all aspects of construction law, and develop solutions best suited for your specific needs and circumstances. Through our extensive knowledge of the complexities of construction project contracts, we can show you how to protect your interests and help to ensure you have the necessary legal protection in your contracts. On a regular basis, we legally represent builders and neighbors in building approval proceedings, during the constructions phase and before court. Based on both our vast experience in the area of building law, in particular in connection with the avoidance or conducting of respective court proceedings and our network of authorized court experts in all fields, our law firm is a competent partner with regard to this legal domain. Furthermore, we practice to guide our clients through their construction-related legal matters successfully, efficiently and cost effectively.
Webinar: Construction stop - what now?
This webinar with Philipp Scheuba provides an overview of the legal effects of the corona crisis on ongoing construction projects. The rights and obligations of building owners and construction companies will be discussed, including the usual regulations such as ÖNORM B2110 in construction contracts. The webinar also provides a overview of possible consequences under tort law, in particular penalty provisions and additional costs due to forcing measures. The webinar was held on 22.04.2020 by KSV1870 in cooperation with BLS Attorneys at Law.
The recording can be viewed free of charge (after providing name and email address to KSV1870): >> watch webinar

Examples of our legal activities
Planning and Architectural Offices
Representation of a well-known architectural office in connection with alleged planning deficiencies for a new thermal spa building
Representation of the planner for heating, air-conditioning, ventilating and sanitary in the case of alleged planning errors in an office building
Representation in various planning and building defects in connection with public facilities (health resorts, homes, etc.)
Representation of the business and technical management in a construction project, including questions regarding the demarcation from the local construction supervision
Representation of a planning office in connection with the construction of a power plant and its processing in civil court
Contruction Companies
Representation of construction companies or manufacturers of building materials in numerous construction proceedings, e.g. in arbitration proceedings concerning a medium-sized residential construction project (construction company) or concerning the new sealing of all terraces due to allegedly defective ETICS connection sealing (building material company as intervener)
Preparation or revision of all types of construction contracts, including contracts based on FIDIC
Preventative assessment and revision of possible problem cases in connection with variable text displays, LED screens and interface problems with respect to motorway building
Legal representation of a company in connection with extensive work done concerning the Skylink project
Legal representation in civil proceedings before the Vienna Supreme Court and the Munich I Regional Court concerning toll bridges of German motorways (damage in the amount of EUR 20 million)
Work Accidents on Construction Sites
Representation of a construction manager after an accident in connection with bridge works
Representation of a foreman after an accident in a housing project
Regular representation in industrial accidents, both in criminal and civil law
Extrajudicial claims settlement and project management
Segment L 40 (Altersbergbrücke) of the A 10
Collapse of the Danube bridge in Vilshofen/Germany
Exchange of the entire piping installations in an Austrian hospital
Public procurement law
Numerous legal assessment of calls for bids and tender offers for companies in the industry and in the building sector
Filing of damage claims on part of the best bidder against the principal, who - in the framework of a call for tenders - negates provisions of the Federal Act on Public Tenders
Initiation of judicial review proceedings on behalf of the best bidder due to both unlawful tender documents and unlawful awarding of the contract on federal state level

"BLS Rechtsanwälte (Attorneys at Law) handles a high volume of litigation, and recently represented an Austrian construction company in disputes arising from the construction of a retirement home."
– The Legal 500