The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.
Edward Teller
scope of service
IT law and media law
Our experts
Mag. Philipp Scheuba
Dr. Thomas Boller, LL.M.
Mag. Philipp Danczul
Mag. Joshua Ille
Mag. Maximilian Krautzer, LL.M.
Mag.a Lucie Pichler
Dr.in Elisabeth Wurzinger-Malburg, LL.M.
New technologies, computers, wireless communications and the internet dominate the world, and new issues are constantly arising with the way that technological information is consumed by the public. If you conduct any type of business activity online, whether you realize it or not, there are IT laws affecting you. We at BLS represent and advise small and large organizations, as well as individuals on a wide range of information technology law issues, and we are at our clients‘ disposal regarding all questions concerning the European IT law. Our services include the preparation and revision of contracts, such as hardware contracts, software contracts and maintenance contracts, as well as license and provider agreements. Our competencies encompass questions on data protection and confidentiality, as well as domain law and internet advertising. In case of concerns and questions resulting from e-commerce and m-commerce, you can seek competent legal advice from BLS. As a matter of course, our IT lawyers will also represent you before court in the event of claims under tort law in the legal field of IT law.
Examples of our legal activities
Representation of a Dutch FinTech company in a civil lawsuit with a strong IT-technical background concerning the agile development of an app based on the SCRUM method (amount in dispute in the double-digit million range)
Ongoing advice on data protection law for a leading creditor protection association, in particular in connection with databases operated by the association, new business models, drafting of contracts, legal assessment and response to requests for information and deletion, conduct of administrative criminal proceedings in front of the data protection authority
Regular advice to a software company engaged in the management of patient and health data on IT law, competition law and data protection law
Ongoing advice to a leading insurance company in connection with GDPR compliance
Ongoing legal advice to a market-leading software manufacturer, in particular in the drafting and negotiation of license and maintenance agreements as well as worldwide sales cooperations (e.g. with Cisco Systems and Kapsch BusinessCom)
Legal advice to a leading Austrian company in the field of control technology in the negotiation of a contract for the manufacture and supply of hardware and software to a US security services provider listed on the NASDAQ
Legal advice to a leading Austrian insurance company in the negotiation of a contract for the production of a damage assessment program, both as a smartphone application (iOS and Android) and as a web-based application
Legal advice to an Austrian start-up company in the IT sector on the planning and realization of an initial coin offering, in particular on the coordination with the Financial Market Authority, the preparation of the contractual documentation for the acquisition of the tokens as well as the negotiation and drafting of the contractual basis for cooperation partnerships
Legal advice to investors of various sizes in the acquisition of companies in the IT sector (including numerous FinTech start-ups), in particular in the review of existing contracts with customers and business partners as well as in the assessment of risks with regard to the OSS databases in use
Advising an Austrian company in the pharmaceutical industry on the raising of promissory note loans via a block chain platform
Legal advice to a FinTech company on the conclusion of cooperation agreements with the board of trustees “Sicheres Österreich” and a data processor from the private sector regarding the creation and use of databases